British TV news for American audiences. Enjoy British TV shows like Sherlock, Bridgerton, Downton Abbey, or Midsomer Murders? Wish it was easier to know when new shows are out on each of the different streaming services? Want a way to discover older British shows you might like? Sign up and we'll keep you updated.
We have a lot of random British TV news that's been building up lately, and since most people don't see every single Facebook post we make (thanks to their algorithm), we figured we'd throw it all in a quick email for anyone who might have missed something. First off, PBS has announced dates for a couple of returning shows. Season 4 of Vienna Blood premieres January 5th, 2025, with new episodes weekly through the 26th (4 in total). Season 5 of All Creatures Great & Small will premiere on...
A few people have emailed recently to ask whether we'll be doing a new British TV Streaming Guide soon, and the answer is YES. We're just waiting on details from a couple more streaming networks before we wrap things up and get it submitted for Amazon's approval. With any luck, it will be live and ready for purchase by Thanksgiving weekend. When it's ready, you'll be the first to know. What we're... Watching: The Marlow Murder Club - I hate waiting for weekly episodes to drop, so I waited...
Ever since the new Rebus adaptation premiered on ViaPlay last week, we've gotten a lot of emails like... "Okay, I've subscribed to ViaPlay for Rebus - what else should I watch while I have it?" Why would I subscribe to a service for one show? Do they have anything else worth watching? And of course, we received a few messages that were just venting about how many streaming services you need to watch all the good British shows - which we understand (though as a news site, we can't do anything...